It's been ages again since my last update to this blog, and I feel like the past few months where a strange combination of being all over the place, and not much happening.
My partner has moved to Warsaw last October, and since then, I've been spending half of my time in Italy, and half in Warsaw.
Warsaw is a beautiful city, I love its parks and I find it is very welcoming.
Autumn there was amazing and I had a great time.
The winter months there have been a bit more difficult for me: I often missed the sunlight (the sun goes down so early in the afternoon!) and cold wind and snow make me want to curl up on the couch with a blanket and not move.
Over here in Italy, I've begun to appreciate more and more the time spent with my family, my friends, and even with my coworkers at the office.
I am an introvert and social situations drain my battery very easily, and I need alone time and quiet to recharge. However recently, I've been finding myself missing my friends and family a lot, and craving in person interactions.
Work has been as intense and stressful as always, and being so tired on top of not having a solid routine (so much change and back and forth recently) made me pause my good streak of training, eating healthy, and practicing mindfulness.
I am back on track now that I got one full month of being in the same place (currently in my apartment in Italy), but I'll be spending the month of March in Warsaw, so let's see if I can keep up with the good habits I want to build.
I've not gone for a run in ages, but I still want to attempt a 10K in May, meaning I really need to go back into it now.
I don't think I have recovered from burnout, and the last two weeks were especially difficult at work and got my stress levels so high that I would wake up with nightmares in the middle of the night every night.
But I feel like I made some slow progress in building a bit of an armour to protect myself more from the sense of frustration and anxiety.
I even managed to get back a little bit my of creativity and interest in learning, though not enough to actually make anything yet.
I still want to get into the habit of documenting my life more, with photos, journals, and this blog here: a few years ago I was journaling regularly, and the instrospection I gained from reading my journals at the end of each year was invaluable.
That is all for today: it's a lovely sunny morning and I am looking forward to a long walk and to lunch with my parents.
© Melyanna. CC BY-SA 4.0.
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