
Happy October!

I can't believe it's already October! Time went so quickly since my last update.

Work has been very intense, and after spending most of my day every day in front of a screen, I could not make myself turn on my computer again to work on personal projects.

I am currently sitting on my couch, have made myself a nice lemon and ginger tea, and lit a scented candle. It's sunny outside: a lovely Fall day.

This will be my last Sunday at my apartment for a while as my partner is moving to Warsaw for work this Thursday, and I will be joining him for 3 weeks on Friday.

I am very excited about this new chapter in my life!

I have never been to Warsaw, but I know it's beautiful, and I am really looking forward to exploring it.

In the past month I have been really consistent with my 10K steps per day, yoga, meditation, and running, with the exception of two days in which my covid-19 vaccine combined with a really strong cold have completely destroyed me.

I am now jogging 25 to 28 minutes uninterrupted quite easily, so in the next few weeks I'll focus on reaching 30 minutes (I know this will be easy because even after 28 minutes I do not feel tired), picking up my pace a bit, and then moving onto training for 10Ks.

Once I get to 10Ks, I don't want to necessarily train to run any further, as I think 10Ks / 1 hour long runs are nice and healthy, but I want to get really comfortable running this distance by May 04 next year, when the next Wings for Life World Run will take place.

For training, I use an app called "Just Run", by jupli (@jupli@mastodon.social): the app is not open source, but it's completely free, ad free, does not require any subscription, and is fully functional even without upgrades. I did upgrade it to give some money to the developer, but could have used it without any donation.

I have been reading Plato, because I am quite interested in philosophy and it felt like a good starting point to learn more. I've been able to read a few pages every day, though progress is not as smooth as it would be with fiction or modern books.

I also dusted off my PixelDroid account and have been taking and posting a few pictures.

I'd really like to start documenting my life a bit more regularly, and I also want to go back to journaling: it feels a bit strange to sit in front of a blank page and write whatever, however the one year I did it consistently it was actually really valuable to go back and re-read my entries at the end of the year.

Overall, I aim to slow down and enjoy my life outside of work more fully every day, doing things that are good for myself without burning myself out and without constantly being anxious and focus on "what's next".

Oh, and I have completely given up alcohol. I was never a regular drinker (maybe 1 or 2 beers per week), but it's harmful and completely unnecessary, so I just stopped.

I may drink every now and then again if there is a special occasion, but so far I've been doing just fine with my sparkly water and occasional sugar-free cola.

Perhaps if I actually manage to completely heal from my burnout, I will be able to make some art again, and learn German and Esperanto.

Right now my creativity well and my learning well are completely dry.

And this has been my last month in a nutshell. I am hoping to check in more often in the spirit of documenting my life more.

Weekly would be a good pace, though I expect that I will be dedicating my next few weekends to exploring Warsaw, so maybe I'll actually be back in November?

© Melyanna. CC BY-SA 4.0.

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